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Available props for ParticleImage.


  • HTMLProps<HTMLCanvasElement>
    • ParticleImageProps



Optional backgroundColor

backgroundColor: undefined | string

The background color of the canvas.

Optional creationDuration

creationDuration: undefined | number

The duration in milliseconds that it should take for the universe to reach full health.

Optional creationTimingFn

creationTimingFn: timing.TimingFunction

A timing function to dictate how the particles in the universe grow from radius zero to their full radius. This function receives a progress argument between 0 and 1 and should return a number between 0 and 1.

Optional deathDuration

deathDuration: undefined | number

The duration in milliseconds that it should take for the universe to die.

Optional deathTimingFn

deathTimingFn: timing.TimingFunction

A timing function to dictate how the particles in the universe shrink from their full radius to radius zero. This function receives a progress argument between 0 and 1 and should return a number between 0 and 1.

Optional entropy

entropy: undefined | number

The amount of entropy to act on the particles.

Optional height

height: undefined | number

Height of the canvas.

Optional maxParticles

maxParticles: undefined | number

The maximum number of particles that will be created in the canvas.

Optional mouseDownForce

mouseDownForce: undefined | ((x: number, y: number) => ParticleForce)

An interactive force to be applied to the particles during mousedown events.

Optional mouseDownForceDuration

mouseDownForceDuration: undefined | number

Time in milliseconds that force resulting from mousemove event should last in universe.

Optional mouseMoveForce

mouseMoveForce: undefined | ((x: number, y: number) => ParticleForce)

An interactive force to be applied to the particles during mousemove events.

Optional mouseMoveForceDuration

mouseMoveForceDuration: undefined | number

Time in milliseconds that force resulting from mousemove event should last in universe.

Optional onImageStateChange

onImageStateChange: undefined | ((state: ImageState) => void)

Callback invoked on image loading state changes.

Optional onUniverseStateChange

onUniverseStateChange: undefined | ((state: UniverseState, universe: Universe) => void)

Callback invoked on universe state changes.

Optional particleOptions

particleOptions: ParticleOptions

Options to be applied to particles during their creation.

Optional scale

scale: undefined | number

Scales the image provided via src.


src: string

Img src url to load image

Optional touchMoveForce

touchMoveForce: undefined | ((x: number, y: number) => ParticleForce)

An interactive force to be applied to the particles during touchmove events.

Optional touchMoveForceDuration

touchMoveForceDuration: undefined | number

Time in milliseconds that force resulting from mousemove event should last in universe.

Optional width

width: undefined | number

Width of the canvas.

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